Energy Cybernetics

Strategy consulting: Energy Cybernetics
A clear business strategy is the foundation for business success. Further to that, business communication serves to promote a company and its service offering or to relay information about an organisation. There are a number of disciplines that form part of business communication, such as marketing, branding, PR and customer relations management, to name but a few. However, regardless of the disciplines utilised, they should all essentially meet one vital requirement: they must drive the business goals.
Client profile
Founded in 1998, Energy Cybernetics is South Africa’s leading energy optimisation engineering company that specialises in finding the best possible route to sustainable energy efficiency for their clients.
The challenge at hand
Energy Cybernetics needed to establish itself as the recognised leading energy efficiency management company in South Africa, at the cutting edge of innovative product development. They appointed Stone to compile a business and communication strategy to achieve this objective.
Stone’s approach to meeting the need
Stone initiated a comprehensive strategy development process, well rooted in the Stone Pebble Ring Thinking© methodology. This ensured that, at all times, the business objectives remained at the centre of all processes and activities. The team built the business concept, taking cognisance of the dynamics and needs within the energy efficiency space, to ensure that Energy Cybernetics responded appropriately and optimally. A huge advantage was the Stone team’s sound understanding and working knowledge of this environment. A fully-integrated business and communication strategy was then developed. It focused predominantly on two key elements. Firstly, it enabled Energy Cybernetics to flourish in a market place, where they had the first-time mover advantage, while simultaneously excelling as market leaders in measurement and verification of energy efficiency. Secondly, it assisted them to build a robust consulting business with unique technology.
Results achieved and value added for Energy Cybernetics
- Stone was instrumental in the strategy (branding and strategic positioning) behind the launch of their contribution to nationally enhance energy saving within the commercial sector – a development that benefitted the entire country in view of South Africa’s challenged energy environment.
- The Energy Cybernetics Energy Barometer’s profile as the national benchmark for large buildings’ energy consumption has since grown by leaps and bounds, since the product’s public launch in June 2010. Both the Government’s Central Energy Fund, as well as their National Energy Efficiency Campaign, Save It! have endorsed the Energy Barometer.
The Green Building Council of South Africa recognises the Energy Barometer as an assessment tool to determine companies’ commitment to energy optimisation in their awards process. Stone also facilitated an engagement with FEDHASA for Energy Cybernetics. Subsequently, this industry body announced at its 2010 Imvelo Awards (aimed at recognising sustainable practices in the tourism industry) its intention to work closer with Energy Cybernetics in a bid to encourage further energy saving in the tourist industry. Ultimately it envisaged using the Energy Barometer as its energy efficiency and saving assessment tool in awarding the Imvelo Awards.
Energy Cybernetics and one of their flagship products, the national Energy Barometer, is an example of the value that Stone adds to its clients in taking to heart not only their immediate communication needs, but also believing in and planning for their long-term sustainability.