Sharing ideas & inspiring change
Stone keenly takes part in the global conversation and embraces all digital platforms to highlight issues relating to the communication environment. Clients also benefit through Stone’s promotion and recognition of their activities.
Give more than what you take in reward
Article written by Willem S Eksteen, CE of Stone Before thinking about profits as a measure of business success, first ask yourself, do you serve others with what you do every day? A truly great business always delivers undeniable value and when you focus on giving value as a way
How some companies beat the competition…for centuries
Howard Yu, Lego Professor of Management and Innovation at IMD Business School in Switzerland, discusses how the industrial cluster in the Swiss city of Basel is a unique example of enduring competitive advantage. He explains how early dye makers were able to continually jump to new capabilities and thrive
In Good Company 2018, a conference for social investment
Article written by Stone The annual In Good Company Conference, taking place on 21 August 2018 with the theme South Africa Matters, is a highlight on the social investment calendar. The In Good Company Conference 2018 is hosted by Nation Builder, and proudly sponsored by the Mergon Foundation, King Price