Communication strategy and engagement for Accenture in South Africa’s 50th Anniversary

Stone effectively drove awareness and advocacy amongst clients and media on Accenture’s corporate social investment initiatives and level 1 B-BBEE positioning. Through planned content generation and media engagement Accenture enjoyed extensive coverage on their gender mainstreaming, enterprise supplier development, future skills employability programmes, disability inclusion, and LGBTQ+ inclusion efforts.
Challenge at hand
Accenture celebrated its 50th year anniversary of doing business in South Africa and needed to showcase their efforts as a partner to government in social investment for the nation’s people. The consultancy sought to highlight their transformation initiatives in this regard and showcase their efforts and achievements that made them a level 1 B-BBEE contributor for the second consecutive year.
Accenture in South Africa needed to amplify their activities through a strategic messaging of their social investment for effective media consumption and engagement.
Stone’s approach to meeting the need
Stone supported Accenture’s carefully thought out campaigns to increase media engagement with their content through interviews, video content generation, and thought leadership articles that were centred on the success stories of beneficiaries in their various initiatives.
The Stone team developed a timeline of activities for each CSI campaign and treated this aspect as one of the core business objectives.
Results achieved and value added for Accenture
Due to Stone’s strategic counsel and approach to the required media and communication activities, the awareness of Accenture’s social investment activities increased among stakeholders. The level 1 B-BBEE status was well-received, and Accenture has been seen as a proud supporter of South Africa’s development. The campaigns aligned with Accenture in South Africa’s strategic business goals and values of inclusivity and empowerment.
Stone effectively mined trapped content value by placing engagement on the main business agenda, releasing media-ready content, and building the thought leadership profile of each business unit. This was to establish Accenture’s reputation at the c-suite and executive level, positioning Accenture as the expert partner of choice.